Wednesday, September 26, 2012


     I think we can safely say that since I have not posted on this blog since September 28 of LAST YEAR that I will no longer be posting on it. Besides, it was really just for my random thoughts whenever I felt like posting stuff and never really had a purpose.
     My new blog (Tasty Little Eats) is much better, has a purpose, and is far more promising than this blog ever was. It is about my adventures in the kitchen along with any sort of crafty things that I decide to do. I usually have at least one picture in each posting either of the process or of the finished product.
     Tasty Little Eats will have a few posts that are not recipe or craft related, but I'm going to try to keep those to a minimum.

♪  "So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye" ♪
- "So Long, Farewell" from "The Sound of Music"

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


So, as you can see, my last post was on July 13. And before that, well, let’s just say that I haven’t been very good at my whole “one post a week” thing that I said I was going to try to do. I am going to change that to a post whenever I get the chance (or more likely remember) to.

Anywho… I started school on Monday. I’m taking a whopping one class a day (in my defense they’re all 4 credit classes), except for Wednesdays when I have one class in the morning and one in the evening. My schedule is as follows:
        Mon & Wed – 8:30–9:50 – Access (A computer program that I will most likely never  use)
        Tues & Thurs – 11:30–1:20 – Business Law (Ugh. But the teacher seems interesting so it should be ok.)
        Wed – 5:30–7:20 – Managerial Accounting (This is my last accounting class!!! Obviously, I don’t know how this class is since I haven’t been to it yet, but I’ve heard that the teacher is good)

Rachel is in Fossil, Oregon (John Day area) this week for Outdoor School. I don’t really notice that she isn’t here during the day since I had gotten used to that since she started school about a month before I did (haha), but I do notice it a little bit in the evenings, but mainly only because I don’t hear her pounding away at the keyboard while I’m trying to watch TV.

She’s supposed to get back tomorrow around four and has requested that mom make her a “special dinner” when she gets back. What is this “special dinner”? Hamburger casserole AKA funeral casserole. Yeah… not so special, but then again, it is one of her favorite foods.

While she has been gone, I crocheted a sweater for her Webkinz sea otter, Clam. It is quite cute if I do say so myself. I’m planning on making a few more in different colors in the future as long as she likes it.

Well, I am quite hungry right now as I have not yet eaten lunch, so I’m gonna go get some.
Hopefully, I’ll be posting again soon.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


So... It's cold. It's not supposed to be this cold in the middle of summer. 65 degrees? Come on!!! I know there are usually a few days in July that are kind of rainy and whatnot, but I don't remember them as being this cold. Now, it may just seem a little bit colder to me due to the fact that I have sunburns covering both of my thighs and the increased heat there makes my body think that the rest of it should be warmer. Who knows...

Anywho, no summer job this summer. No one is hiring. (Mom refuses to see this and asks whenever we go somewhere if I applied there yet.) Not that I'm complaining; I enjoy having the summer off. I've been able to.... sleep in, catch up on my reading, do some crafts (I'm taking a break from one right now to write this), and just sit around doing nothing. :) I haven't been able to do that since the summer before 8th grade year (I think, it may have been before that).
I made some really good Rosemary Bread last week that was gone the next day. My rosemary plant is in need of a trim so I need to either make some more stuff with it or go online and see how to dry herbs. I'll probably do another loaf of bread and either rolls or bread sticks. I'm thinking next week may be dedicated to baking/cooking. In addition to making some things that use rosemary, I also want to make a cheesecake that I found a recipe for and then just some other random recipes that I found online. Most of them I found on (Two Fat Als not Two Fatals :) ) and Now I have to figure out what I do and do not have ingredient-wise for my baking (I have a feeling that there will be at least one trip to the grocery store). My main problem will be deciding what to make as there are a lot of recipes to sort through. IDEA!!! I might make one bread product a week - that way we don't have multiple loaves of bread waiting to be eaten (not that they'll last all that long if they're good).

GAH!!!!!!!! I just went to publish this (I had typed quite a bit more than this) and there was an error causing me to lose about half of what I had typed. I am now going to attempt to retype what I had before I tried to post.

Anywho, this is a random thought that in no way affects you, but is really bugging me. Every time I drive past Shaw Meat Market and can stop in, they are closed. However, almost every time I drive past and can't stop, they are open. I WANT MY BOLOGNA!!!!! I suppose I could try the stuff in the Safeway deli, but it wouldn't be the same and definitely wouldn't be as good.

I honestly tried to remember everything that I had typed before trying to post last time, but know that I forgot some of it. It doesn't look like I missed much, but about half of the paragraph before the one about the post not posting had been erased and I didn't want to seperate them just to follow my line of thought.

Hopefully it warms up soon so I can go outside in shorts and a t-shirt to read.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Knock on wood, but I think the weather has decided to stop being bipolar and stay sunny and warm. More later!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

I'm still here...

Last post on March 28th? Oops! Yes, I realize that I said I would post something within a week of that last post, but I was busy!

Ok so... When I last posted it was the first day of Spring Term. This term I am taking Technical Writing, Business Math, Financial Accounting, and Personal Effectiveness. I have classes from 9:30 to 2:20 on Mondays, 12:30 to 2:20 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:30 to 11:20 on Wednesdays, and I don't have any classes on Fridays (yay!).

So far most of them are ok. I really enjoy my Technical Writing teacher; she has a good sense of humor. She told us that her grading was going to be really hard, but so far it's a lot like Schmidd and Chip's grading.

My Business Math is really easy so far as it's basic stuff (to me). The first three chapters were basic math stuff, then fractions, then percentages, and now we're working on discounts. So far I haven't had any problems with MyMathLab and I'm hoping it stays that way (knock on wood). I have the same teacher for it that I had for Accounting last term and I like and can understand the way she teaches.

Financial Accounting is... ugh. It's confusing and I don't really like the way she teaches, but since I have to take the class this term and she's the only teacher for it, I have to stick with her. I'm basically teaching myself, but she does tell us some stuff in class that makes it a little bit easier.

Personal Effectiveness is the first online class that I have taken. The book is beyond boring, but it is a lot less work than my other classes so it isn't too bad and the teacher has the due dates clearly listed (that was one of the things I was worried about when I first signed up for the class).

Now that we're caught up on everything school... Um... Not really much to talk about since that's pretty much all I've been doing.

Oh! Emily and I had a movie night where we watched "scary" movies. First we watched "The Strangers" which I didn't find at all scary, but Emily did and Mom thought was creepy. Then we watched "The Crazies" which was creepy, but not really scary; I liked it a lot more. And lastly, we watched the original "The Shining". It was super boring. I think Emily fell asleep once or twice and I almost did too. It drug out far too long.

I should be going now as I have some work I need to do before going to my class this afternoon. Have a good weekend!

Monday, March 28, 2011


I just realized that my last post was a long time ago. I will post sometime this week. I promise. Just not now.